Adapting and Implementing the SCALE-UP Approach in Statics, Dynamics, and Multivariate Calculus
A multidisciplinary team of faculty at Clemson is working to deliver more
effective Statics and Dynamics instruction. Their work builds particularly
on two other NSF-funded projects. The project is developing cooperative
learning activities that are complementary to those developed through
Statics: The Next Generation and delivering them using the
Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment University Programs
(SCALE-UP) model, teaching large studio classes where the primary emphasis
is on learning by guided inquiry instead of by listening. The present
lecture approach is being revised significantly and the two sequential
courses are being integrated according to the needs of students in
mechanical engineering and civil engineering. A partnership to include
learning exercises from multivariate calculus is helping students transfer
knowledge and develop a more robust understanding of the course content.
Improvements in student learning is being measured in terms of normalized
gain on existing conceptual tests. Faculty development activities,
including workshops and mentoring, are nurturing a cadre of faculty who
are learning to design and implement cooperative learning activities. The
mentoring of faculty in large-enrollment classes is helping expand the use
of these teaching methods throughout the curriculum, and the materials
developed in this project are applicable to statics and dynamics courses
at other universities.
L. Williams,
Mathematical Sciences-Clemson
Clemson University
Last updated:
November 5, 2008
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